Las ilustraciones de onomatopeyas y sonidos en «otros idiomas» de James Chapman

James Chapman ha ilustrado casi todos los sonidos imaginables pero «dichos» o escritos en diferentes idiomas, algo muy divertido de ver y muy educativo saber cómo otros interpretan los sonidos.

Me sorprende mucho las diferencias que tenemos porque en castellano nosotros escribimos el ladrido de un perro como «gau gau o guff guff», en ingles sería «woof», algo no muy distinto en cuanto a sonidos, pero en Rumania sería «ham ham» y ahí si que me perdí. ¿será que los animales ladran en otro idioma también?

Ese es un simple ejemplo de lo que hace Chapman, lamentablemente no siempre están los ejemplos en castellano, pero de todas maneras es muy interesante ver cómo una persona se dio cuenta de estas diferencias.

Makes you think.
twitterfacebookshopMakes you think.
twitterfacebookshopMakes you think.
twitterfacebookshopMakes you think.
twitterfacebookshopMakes you think.
twitterfacebookshopMakes you think.
twitterfacebookshopNo pain, no gain.
twitterfacebookshoptwitterfacebookshopMovie-themed gun sounds! PUM PUM PENG PENG
twittershopfacebook I just set this up so it’d be super nice if you liked ittttt :DMovie-themed gun sounds! PUM PUM PENG PENG
twittershopfacebook I just set this up so it’d be super nice if you liked ittttt :DMovie-themed gun sounds! PUM PUM PENG PENG
twittershopfacebook I just set this up so it’d be super nice if you liked ittttt :DMovie-themed gun sounds! PUM PUM PENG PENG
twittershopfacebook I just set this up so it’d be super nice if you liked ittttt :DMovie-themed gun sounds! PUM PUM PENG PENG
twittershopfacebook I just set this up so it’d be super nice if you liked ittttt :DMovie-themed gun sounds! PUM PUM PENG PENG
twittershopfacebook I just set this up so it’d be super nice if you liked ittttt :DMovie-themed gun sounds! PUM PUM PENG PENG
twittershopfacebook I just set this up so it’d be super nice if you liked ittttt :DIt brought a tear to my eye to have to draw a cup of tea being wasted :(
twittershop (restocked with loads of new things!)The international sounds of Pokemon print is available on EtsyPrint this out. Keep it in your wallet.You never know when you’ll need to be able to scream in Croatian.
twitter | facebook | instagram | shopThank God it’s Fry-day.
twitter | facebook | instagram | shopThe Sound of Applause in Other Languages
Featuring Taylor Swift, the new queen of Tumblr. (HI TAYLOR IF YOU’RE READING THIS ❤❤❤)
twitter | facebook | instagram | shopI think yawn is the English sound? It’s either that or HURRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHADFKGKHKFJG
twitterrrr.shopppp.Grab some bubble wrap and try them out! 
twittershopThe Sounds of the Wind in Ten Languages
So I’ve been trying to get better at animation, but boy howdy is it difficult.BOY HOWDY INDEED.
(Higher quality version of these gifs on Tapastic.)
By the way! If you want to get in touch, talk to me on twitterrrrr.And if you want to look at some nice things for sale, I’m on etsyyyyyyy.The Sounds of the Wind in Ten Languages
So I’ve been trying to get better at animation, but boy howdy is it difficult.BOY HOWDY INDEED.
(Higher quality version of these gifs on Tapastic.)
By the way! If you want to get in touch, talk to me on twitterrrrr.And if you want to look at some nice things for sale, I’m on etsyyyyyyy.The Sounds of the Wind in Ten Languages
So I’ve been trying to get better at animation, but boy howdy is it difficult.BOY HOWDY INDEED.
(Higher quality version of these gifs on Tapastic.)
By the way! If you want to get in touch, talk to me on twitterrrrr.And if you want to look at some nice things for sale, I’m on etsyyyyyyy.The Sounds of the Wind in Ten Languages
So I’ve been trying to get better at animation, but boy howdy is it difficult.BOY HOWDY INDEED.
(Higher quality version of these gifs on Tapastic.)
By the way! If you want to get in touch, talk to me on twitterrrrr.And if you want to look at some nice things for sale, I’m on etsyyyyyyy.ALL ABOARD.
Let me know what sound you think it is, and if there’s a clear winner then I’ll update this comic to include it.
ALSO TWO THINGS1. Could you please vote for my t-shirt design on Threadless?It has a pizza on it and everything. THANK YOU!2. The 25% off coupon for my shop expires next week! So if you want super cheap prints then type in “tumblr” at the check out.
twitter | shopCAMERA SOUNDS
Yup, that’s right. In Bulgaria, that movie “Click” starring Adam Sandler is really called “Shtrak" (щрак in Cyrillic).
This one is harder to practice than most international sounds, because you have to be unconscious to do it. But I think if you try hard enough you probably could.
The french one includes the sounds for inhaling (RON) and exhaling (PCHI).I have a great amount of respect for any language that put that much thought into the sound snoring makes.
twitter shopHeartbeat Sounds in Ten Languages
Hearts are pretty cool, you guys. They pump a bunch of blood around the body and keep you alive or something.
Thanks, hearts! Keep on doing that thing that you do.
Next time someone’s talking over your favourite TV show, give them the ol’ CHU CHU. That’ll quieten them down for sure.
twittershop (25% discount with code ‘tumblr’)I’ve had some requests for the sneezes and eating sounds to be added to my shop, so that is exactly what I went and did.
£6 each for a A3 print.(And you can still use the code “tumblr” at the checkout to get 25% off)
Sorry for the spam. New comic tomorrow!DRIPS AROUND THE WORLD
Drips sound exactly the same wherever you are in the world, but somehow us dumb humans managed to mess up and not agree on what sound that is.
twittershop (25% off with discount code “tumblr”)
Also, I’ve just started posting comics on Tapastic, so if you’re down for that, you can read them there.THE SOUNDS OF CAR HORNS
You just can’t beat a classic AWOOOGA though, can you. No you cannot.
Mampf is my new favourite sound. I use it for everything.Eating. Car doors closing. Ghosts. Everything.
This is what a phone sounds like in a bunch of different languages.It’s my birthday next week so if you’re looking for what to buy me, a hot-dog phone is pretty much top of the list.
Whoever you’re spending Valentine’s day with, make sure you confuse/surprise them with strange kissing sounds. It’s the most romantic thing a person can do.
This is a skill you can impress future employers with. Assuming you’re going for a job at Pixar.
twitter shopSHEEP SOUNDS
There is nothing quite as apathetic as a Japanese sheep.
"Hey Japanese Sheep! What did you think of Gravity?""Meh."
(By the way I also have TWITTER if you want more updates on animal bizz.)OWLS
Owls have not one, not two, but THREE types of eyelid. One for blinking, one for sleeping and one for cleaning. And here I am, making do with one like some kind of idiot.
So apparently, deaf people sneeze silently. And this article says the sneeze sounds we make are just cultural habits and we don’t even need them. 
Although it does also say “Very little deaf-sneeze research exists”.
Thanks a lot, government.
twitter etsyCAT SOUNDSIt’s a little daunting drawing cats for the internet, but I had a lot of requests so I couldn’t refuse. Let me know what you think!
Follow for more animal sounds! (So far: dogs, birds, frogs, lions and cockerels. Check them out!)
Also check out my SHOP. Sweet posters, y’all!WHAT DOES A BEE SOUND LIKE?
I can’t imagine listening to a bee and hearing the sound BOONG.I can’t imagine listening to anything ever and hearing the sound BOONG.
As far as I’m concerned, boong is not a sound.HOW TO SOUND LIKE A COW.
Fun fact: There are more cows in the US than there are people in the UK.
(warning, fact may not be that fun)

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